
The maintenance of our online account(s) is  important in the internet world. There are crooks out there who are trying to retrieve information that you revealed online to carry out malicious act/activities that you have not consent to (for example money laundering,online fraud,etc) and damage your reputation.


A recently story in Singapore about how personal information of the owner of a mobile shop owner was obtained online and shared in the online community who was heavily condemned by the public for being a dishonest businessmen. The culprit who is responsible for this is likely to have commit and offence under MISCELLANEOUS OFFENCES (PUBLIC ORDER AND NUISANCE) ACT under Singapore Law. However, the challenge in prosecution lies in the ability to track down the anonymous person behind this.

Story can be seen HERE

Online anonymity gives one the freedom of speech to say anything ,however this often invites cyber bullying and personal attack. I applaud Facebook and Google to be supportive of being identity-centric by requiring people to have genuine identity.

So is it a good idea to have multiple online identities?

Having multiple identities creates separation between personal and professional life. According to a study by (TheNextWeb, 2012), more than 37% of prospective employers are looking at applicant’s Facebook profile. I do think that applicants should not be judged based on their Facebook profile as it does not correctly reflect the individuals work capability, it is their work competency that COUNTS! Having a wild photo does not shows the person is a bad worker, and in fact it shows the person knows how to work and play. Alan Henry (2012) gives a few reasons why we should have separate identities:

  • It provides a layer of privacy (through obscurity)- free to comment as an anonymous without fearing your professional profile be impacted 
  • You have control over your professional appearance- what information people should see/should not see
  • Avoids information overload, for you and your audience- keeping information relevant to your direct audience

With that said, having multiple online identities have its cons too. 

The first being impersonation. People are able to obtain your information via Google and pass it off as you. You might end up having to be the scapegoat of something you have never done.

In all, i think whether or not having more than one online identity matters. What is more important though is practicing good online habits such as having a strong password, keep personal information private to keep yourself safe in the online world.


Henry, A. (2014). Should I Keep My Personal and Professional Identities Completely Separate Online?. [online] Lifehacker. Available at: http://lifehacker.com/5898370/should-i-keep-my-personal-and-professional-identities-completely-separate-online [Accessed 1 Dec. 2014].

Masters, A. (2014). Identity on the Internet: The pros and cons of anonymity | | Independent Editor’s choice Blogs. [online] Blogs.independent.co.uk. Available at: http://blogs.independent.co.uk/2011/09/19/identity-on-the-internet-the-pros-and-cons-of-anonymity/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2014].

Messieh, N. (2012). 37% of Employers Look Up Employees on Social Media. [online] The Next Web. Available at: http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2012/04/18/survey-37-of-your-prospective-employers-are-looking-you-up-on-facebook/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2014].