
In my view, a digital visitor is someone who use the web for a specific purpose only when the need arises. Typically, their movement around the web are mostly revolved to activities that have a specific outcome or benefits for them (for e.g searching for information they want, perform a transaction, etc). As described by (White, 2008), a digital visitor logs on to perform a specific task and logs off. They are more skeptical about leaving their digital footprint around the web with concerns about having their personal information leaked. Social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are not of a norm to them and are unlikely to participate in online community.

On the other hand, digital resident performs similar activities but they do not restrict themselves just on internet but also active on social media platforms as an avenue for them to be involved in social interaction, sharing, expressing between people whom they know or may not know. Typically their life revolved around the online world and leaving digital footprint around (blogs, comments, twitter ,etc )…

digital footprint

Pretsky’s comparison between ‘native’ and ‘immigrants’ draws criticism around from having too ‘thinly supported claims’ and debates over age-related hypothesis. He claims that a native are people who were born in the digital world (belonging to the Y and Z generation) and thus are more technology adept compared to immigrants who were not exposed to technology during their era and were more technology in-adept as compared to the former. I would beg to differ in this point as i do not think that those who are born in the digital world can be of more technology-savvy. Yes, people in my generation like myself are exposed to web when we are born and hence are more easily adaptable, however i believe with training and guidance, one can be efficient as anyone else despite the fact that older people may be slower in learning. As stated by (White, Le Cornu, 2011) for every subject or expertise, some learners will acquire the requisite skills quickly, while others will struggle, regardless of age. Young people may spend more time on computer games then learning new technology skill. I do think that the most important thing to look at is interest. If you are interested in learning technology, you will be willing to put in effort in acquiring them.


(@daveowhite), D. (2014). TALL blog » Blog Archive » Not ‘Natives’ & ‘Immigrants’ but ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’. [online] Tallblog.conted.ox.ac.uk. Available at: http://tallblog.conted.ox.ac.uk/index.php/2008/07/23/not-natives-immigrants-but-visitors-residents/ [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014].

White, D. and Cornu, A. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday, [online] 16(9). Available at: http://firstmonday.org/article/view/3171/3049%20https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/~tefko/Courses/Zadar/Readings/Selwyn%20dig%20natives,%20Aslib%20Proceedings%202009.pdf#p4 [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014].